Friday, March 4, 2011

Beaver Creek Cabin XC Ski

Last weekend my awesome wife and I went on another weekend ski trip to a Forest Service cabin, this time to the Beaver Creek Cabin in the southern Madison Range down by Hebgen and Quake Lakes. We parked at the Refuge Point parking area and packed up for the 3.5 mile ski into the cabin. Scott joined us for the ski in to the cabin, of course taking his own more difficult route off the the trail.

Here I am packed and ready, including my new backpacker guitar courtesy of my rockin' brother Dave:

Marilyn skis down towards the turnoff to Beaver Creek:

Once on the trail we proceeded to ski up the canyon. The scenery was great, although the trail was a little bit chewed up by snowmobiles. Marilyn on the trail:

There was a ton of fresh snow, as it had been snowing all week. With temps in the 20's and a good breeze it was great skiing weather. Here I am along the trail, looking up the West Fork Beaver Creek drainage. There are some sweet lakes up there awaiting a summer backpack trip.

After a long ski, we finally reached the Beaver Creek Cabin. Scott was already in there with the fire going. Check out the outhouse on the right - close the door carefully!

After Scott left, it was time to set about to some relaxin' and drinking some fine single malt Laphroig scotch and jammin some tunes:
There is a loft in the cabin, which is where we slept at night since hot air rises. Outside it was below zero at night but we were toasty warm inside the cabin with the wood stove going. In the morning it was time to melt some snow and make espresso!

We packed up our stuff and decided to go for a ski up behind the cabin. After a short climb through the forest it opens up into an awesome series of meadows that were full of knee-deep fresh snow, great for some backcountry turns!

Alas, and then it was time to go so I could make it home in time for our basketball team to get blown out again in another league game. But, the cabin was awesome and the skiing was great. Now we are on our way to Yellowstone Park for another ski weekend!

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